Put our Differences Aside - Money Foolish Pride - We're All in This Together” - Vermin & the Beachrat

All in This Together

Vermin & the Beachrat

New Song Release " I've Got Sunshine the Remix "

Vermin & the Beachrat, the creative alias of Massachusetts-born Joe Lamore, is a seasoned singer-songwriter set to release his newest single, I’ve Got Sunshine the Remix, on May 5th. Joe’s musical journey traces back to his childhood, starting with playing the accordion in 2nd Grade. Over the years, he has developed into a versatile multi-instrumentalist, crafting a unique and deeply authentic sound

Musically, he transports us with his notes to a place full of sunshine and positivity, with his catchy beat and memorable guitar riffs. It is one of those ideal themes for a trip, a sunny day or to share with friends. At the recording level we love the sound achieved, it is very natural and reflects a total freedom of the artist who focuses on enjoying what he does.” - CR Indie Magazine

CR Indie Magazine

Vermin & the Beachrat, the creative alias for Joe Lamore, a Massachusetts-born singer-songwriter, is set to release its new single, "I've Got Sunshine the Remix," on May 5. Joe's musical journey dates back to his childhood, when he began playing the accordion in second grade. Over the years, he has developed as a versatile multi-instrumentalist, creating a unique and deeply authentic sound.” - Radio Click Digital
In these times of uncertainty and worry, Vermin & the Beachrat remind us of the power of unity and positivity. The music video captures the essence of joy in its purest form, with an infectious chorus and irresistible hooks that are designed to uplift and inspire.” - Honk Magazine

Press photos

Vermin & the Beachrat in Wells Maine